About Me

Welcome to my blog. I am a late discovery adoptee.
A late discovery adoptee is a person who discovers that their adoption was hidden from them. In other words, an adult that learns or discovers that they were adopted as a child.
In my case, I was adopted from India to the United States. The couple who adopted me never told me I was adopted. They raised me as though I was their own. They took away my true heritage and identity in this process. I found out I was adopted at the age of 34 when I took a DNA test.
In this blog, I post about the issues and roadblocks I've faced because of this.
I hope that by sharing my story, I may be able to help others in a similar situation. Since learning of my adoption, I have found that there are many late discovery adoptees. And reading their stories and communicating with them has helped me understand and prepare for the myriad of emotions that occur.
Please feel free to reach out to me if there's something I've shared and you'd like to know more about. Or if it's just to talk about your journey and struggles.

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